English-German translation of user manuals

A user manual, also named instructions for use or instruction manual, is a collection of necessary texts and information that indicates the correct use of a product and is often available in several languages ​​such as French, Italian, Spanish, English and German. It gives the customer important information about the handling, maintenance and installation of a device. All necessary details for repair and spare parts are included. A well-written manual also provides information about safety and disposal. The files, documents and language versions such as the English-German translation of user manuals can be downloaded in most cases on the homepage of each company quickly and free of charge. In many cases, they can also be ordered by telephone, fax or e-mail as original instructions for use in printed form from the respective company.

For example, a customer may have an older version of a product and would like to receive information about its use or ordering spare parts. In these cases, many well-known manufacturers offer the possibility to download older or also updated operating instructions on their website. These downloads are usually available through a link to the service, support, or customer support page of the organization. For companies that offer a range of different products, they need the model number or the full device name. This ensures that the correct operating manual for the product is found.

The English-German translation of user manuals for the technical documentation

Within the EU, there must be instructions for use for each product. It is part of the technical documentation and is user-specific in terms of form and content. For example, motor vehicle manuals have a different appearance, volume and content than the operating manual or instructions for use of technical equipment or pharmaceuticals.

The professional English-German translation of user manuals and instructions of use is created and edited with a translation software that has a translation memory system. This translation memory is used to create a database with a structured translation that can be retrieved at any time. Thus, a homogeneous English-German translation of user manuals and instructions with a consistent terminology is guaranteed. These databases are completely erasable at any time for confidentiality and discretion.

Manuals and so-called user guides are technical texts that are regularly handed over to a translator to prepare the desired translation. Many companies rely on extensive sources of information about their products, which can also be read and understood by their customers abroad in several languages. When commissioning a professional English-German translation of user manuals, the translator has a lot of information to transfer to the other language. These may be, for example, texts about the use, commissioning, safety, disposal, technical data and spare parts of the device or the machine.

For more information about the topic of user manual translation, please contact me via the contact form.

English-German translation of terms and conditions

Terms and conditions are nowadays indispensable in business life. They constitute pre-formulated terms and conditions of the contract between two parties when entering into a contract. Its aim is to simplify, stabilize and unite the conclusion of the treaty for both sides. At the international level, they unify the foundations of business relationships and clarify the legal relationships of foreign contractors. Through the technical translation of the terms and conditions again one language is spoken. If the English-German translation of terms and conditions is required, companies turn to experienced English translators with expertise and the necessary know-how.

In modern times, the use of the Internet is to obtain information about products and services. The only barrier is still the language, apart from the understanding and interpretation of general and legal terms. If the Internet user has found the desired product or service abroad, for example in Great Britain or in Germany, the basic conditions for purchasing or using the service often remain opaque. More and more companies are becoming aware of this obstacle and contact a suitable English-German translator to help eliminate this problem.

Translation of the terms and conditions – for the satisfied customer and a transparent purchase

The information opportunities on the Internet are almost endless, provided you understand the language of the texts in which they were written. Which customer does not feel comfortable on a website whose contents and navigation steps seem immediately familiar to him? Under this impression, a positive relationship is established quickly and barriers to the contract conclusion are eliminated.

A professional translation of contract texts such as the English-German translation of terms and conditions, factoring contracts, leasing contracts or franchise agreements is indispensable in order to successfully position the company in the international market. The translations of texts of this kind must be formulated in an easily comprehensible manner and reproduce the content of the source text as accurately as possible. The translation of terms and conditions makes only sense if the legal content of the text has been reproduced in detail.

A high-quality and reliable contract translation is a crucial factor for the success of the international business relations and forms the basis for the recognition by the customer. Tangible and transparent contractual clauses are created for the foreign reader who, under these conditions, will be prepared to use the found offer or service.

English-German translation of terms and conditions for companies and websites

Websites, online shops or web shops, which are internationally oriented and seek their sales with foreign customers, benefit from the translation of the general terms and conditions. For bilingual websites such as English and German, a proficient English-German translation is a decisive advantage for starting and maintaining a positive international business relationship.

Do you need a German translation of the terms and conditions? Via the contact form you are only one step away from your non-binding offer.

I will gladly prepare a high quality English-German translation of terms and conditions, contract and mandatory information for your company and website.

The translation of the mandatory information may be the translation of terms of delivery, shipping costs, consumer’s rights of revocation and guarantees.

If you want to build the most positive and long-lasting relationship with the customer, a clear presentation of this information is important. The terms of delivery and shipping costs should be separately presented in addition to the terms and conditions and easily accessible on your website.

Professional English-German translation

You need a professional English-German translation?

In case you are looking for a professional translator for the professional English-German translation, you have found your ideal contact person at fh-translations.com.

As an English translator with many years of professional experience, I offer you a professional English-German translation in various fields. You benefit from my service of a high-quality copywriting in the field of business and finance. For the German translation of an English balance sheet or an annual report, a financial statement or a profit and loss account, I offer you a high-quality service in the language sector.

Would you like to translate a press release from English into German? For this, I certainly find the right expression for the world of journalism. Domestic companies that have cross-border business relationships with Germany often rely on a professional English-German translation. Finally, the legal framework should provide a clear language for the trading partners on both sides.

The regular translation of business correspondence is also an important factor in international trade. You can count on my many years of experience in translating correspondence and e-mails.

fh-translations.com – the website translator into German

The translation agency fh-translations.com can also develop a professional English-German translation of websites and online shops for your activities. I locate and write the appropriate words for your website and the associated Adwords ads. In addition, I also like to create for you the further translation of the general terms and conditions, terms of payment and delivery times.

In the technical field, an English translation is mainly required for product descriptions, datasheets, instructions for use and operating instructions. It depends on a high-quality, but also easy-to-understand formulation, because the buyer wants to be informed of the benefits of the product properly.

For the professional English-German translation in the field of medicine and pharmacy, a good know-how about the relevant topic is a great advantage. There must be a certain amount of expertise in addition to the linguistic knowledge.

If both are given to the specialist translator for medicine and pharmacy, he can also offer a high-quality translation in this field. With the translation service of fh-translations.de you receive a competent service around the English translation of laboratory examinations, health reports, specialized articles as well as product descriptions and leaflets of the pharmacy and cosmetics.

fh-translations.com- For a professional English-German translation

Information about other offered special fields can be found in my service catalog.

Interested in translating your documents? I will gladly make you a free and non-binding offer.

English to German translation of texts for websites

The texts of websites or web pages are very different from the texts of books or other literary representations. The information that the reader expects must be readily available and very accurate in terms of his ideas and requirements. They should be logically structured and presented as clearly as possible. Furthermore, it is necessary to provide the reader with informative texts written in his native language. Translated websites, such as English to German translation of texts for websites, are therefore a particular challenge. They ask a professional translator to transfer the existing content into the new language, taking into account the cultural and geographic context.

Besides English-German translation, fh-translations.com also offers website translation in French, Spanish and Italian.

An attractive design of the site creates for a brief moment a charm for the reader. Nevertheless, the information and text content are the real factors that invite the visitor to stay longer on the homepage. At the beginning, the content of the texts should be formulated in an understandable and legible way and address the target group as soon as possible. It can only encourage the reader to continue reading if the writing style meets its requirements and understanding.

The English to German translation of texts for websites not only looks at texts and information about the company’s image, philosophy, products or services, but also includes the economic, social and cultural aspects of the target group.

The following basic principles apply to a convincing text effect of websites with multilingual text content:

  • Stylish writing and texts in the respective language variant

Would the text just inform you or advertise and sell a specific image, product or service?

  • Very good consistency of the translations with the source text

Should the new text be very close to the source text, or is a free translation necessary to bring the same information content as well as possible to the reader?

  • Sound knowledge of cultural expressions and practices

Do my texts have a more convincing effect when specific and customary phrases are used?

  • Use of specific terminology

Is it more useful to create characteristic descriptions or to use specialized terms to better promote the product?

English to German translation of texts for websites and international online shops in several languages

The translation of texts for websites and their multilingual presentation shows competence and innovation in terms of their own competitiveness. Services and products can be found better and easier abroad and thus expand the customer base.

Just contact me via the contact form. You can also attach your files and documents to be translated. I will reply to your request as soon as possible.

Further information on the subject of website translation in German: https://text-verfasser.de/

English to German translation of websites

The information content of the Internet is growing and multilingual content is becoming increasingly important. The translation of the web pages increases the number of readership and provides cross-border content. If, for example, the English to German translation of websites is considered, users in Germany can also be informed of the content.

This type of information dissemination increases the added value of websites. Why should we only want to reach readers in our own country? Providing the content in multiple languages is the appropriate way. However, care must be taken to ensure the correct quality of the translation. Unfortunately, even today, too many website administrators rely on a simple machine translation. The value of the content in another language, such as from English to German can only be increased significantly if a German translator is commissioned.

A professional English to German translation of websites is important for website operators and administrators who want to introduce their offers and services to people and customers in German and other German-speaking countries.

Websites or web pages are one or more HTML documents that make up an entire website and can be viewed using an Internet browser and the associated URL (Internet address). The tools for the layout and other extensions of the website are for example CSS and PHP.

For the potential customer and reader to stay on the website for as long as possible and to use the information, an experienced translator is needed who creatively translates the content of the text into the other language. An automatic or machine translation of websites and homepages only provides unreliable results in a poor German. With these texts, a good navigation on the pages is hardly possible. In addition, if it goes deeper into the core of the content, the statements of the translation are no longer usable.

Anyone who relies on the work of a professional English-German translator will be able to reach more satisfied readers and thus considerably expand their clientele. After all, the success of a site depends on the number of visitors and the transfer of high quality content information.

If the website, its content and its texts have been written and translated easily and well to understand, the customer will also be readier to make contact and show more interest in the content. The internet has become a medium that provides fast information 24 hours a day. Benefit from this development and let yourself be convinced of an optimal translation of your website.

Language versions such as the English to German translation of websites bring international added value and a larger readership

In addition to a high-quality English to German translation of websites, it is necessary to adapt the language characteristics to the cultural features. After all, the text must be clearly understood and should not seem like an automatic translation. The more the customer stays on the site, the more the flow of information and the positive perception of the company, the service and the product are given.

You are interested in translating the content of your homepage or websites? Or do you need more information about the topic of homepage translations? Contact me via the contact form. You will receive an answer to your request in a brief time.

English to German translator for SEO texts

You are looking for an English to German translator for SEO texts to optimize your website or online shop? fh-translations.com offers you the search engine optimized translation of the unique content of your website. Thus, you also create added value for Internet users of Google & Co. abroad through their presence on the World Wide Web.

Unique and attractive SEO texts increase the visibility of the websites in the search engines. The information is made available faster and easier to the prospective customer and increases the prestige of your company. Topic-relevant content for a particular search term is optimally linked to one another, so that the search engine and the reader receive substantial added value.

Increase the visibility of web content through an optimal translation

The Internet is a platform that goes far beyond regional events. Any kind of communication and interaction can take place internationally and across national borders. The possibility of translating the website content eliminates existing language barriers and finds new readers. For example, an English to German translator for SEO texts creates the translation of the content of a website or online shop. However, the content of the newly created text is not just a mere word-for-word translation from the source text. The information is processed in a search engine optimized way for the reader and the search engine of the respective country.

An experienced English to German translator for SEO texts allows companies and individuals to grab reader’s attention across borders

A well-written blog is an ideal means of communication and a reliable marketing strategy. The contents are submitted to the interested party as text, image, video, in language form or through further links. The range of the created content is limited to one language and thus related to the location of fewer countries. However, the Internet can do more if one considers offering the information in several languages and thereby increasing the sphere of activity. The important thing is to find a language expert who is also familiar with writing SEO texts.

SEO text translation as a special discipline of translation

Translating SEO texts cannot be equated with a normal translation of a technical or economic text. The contents of the new language version are aimed at two addressees at the same time. On one side is the reader for whom the content is written. On the other side is the search engine, which brings the text to the consumer. The prerequisite for this is a good positioning in the search list of the first pages. The English German translator for SEO texts must therefore be careful to use the correct English or German keywords. He must create a topic-relevant wording, which also considers the subject-specific expressions of the language. This creative way of translating increases the visibility in search engines like Google for German speaking consumers. It supports the success of the presence on the Internet and shows its great growth potential.

Further information about SEO texts and search engine optimization can be found on the website https://text-verfasser.de/ or via the contact form.