Translation of the operating instructions

The operating manual or instruction manual is characterized by a collection of important texts and information that shows the exact application of a product. Due to the global market it is usually available in several languages such as French, Italian, Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, etc.

Why should a company have its user manual translated?

The multilingual instruction manual provides the customer with important information about the handling, maintenance and assembly of a product. It is therefore not only intended for a clientele in a specific country, but can also be used for sales in several countries through professional translation. All necessary details about the repair and spare parts are listed. An exact translation of the operating instructions by a language professional also provides information on safety and disposal. As a result, many companies offer direct downloads of files, documents and language versions of the manuals via their websites free of charge. The reliable translation therefore has a certain safety aspect as well as prestige for the company and the product. Alternatively, they can also be ordered by telephone, fax or e-mail as original printed instructions for use. – your translator for manuals in GermanEnglishFrenchSpanishItalian

Operating instructions are of course not always up to date. In order to keep them up to date parallel to product development, the texts must be updated regularly. For this purpose, the Technical Documentation is used, which, once the new texts have been created, consults a professional translator of the respective language.  

Translation of the operating instructions for the technical documentation

Within the European Union, instructions for use must be available for each product. They belong to the field of technical documentation and are user-specific in form and content. Instructions for use of motor vehicles (user manual) show a different presentation, a different scope and a different content than the instruction manual of technical devices or the package leaflet of medicinal products.

Ideally, a high-quality translation of the operating instructions should be produced using translation software with a translation memory system. This is a translation memory and a database of language pairs that can be called up at any time. This ensures a consistent translation of the operating instructions and instructions for use with a homogeneous terminology. The databases can be deleted at any time.

For further information on how to have the operating instructions translated, please use the contact form.

More information about translation:

Author: Franz Hefele

Freelance translator for the languages english, french, italian, spanish and german