English to German translation of contracts

A contract is an agreement between at least two parties governing a conduct or a legal transaction under the Act. Its content is based on two consensual declarations (offer and acceptance) and is carried by at least two persons. If a contract is agreed across borders, a professional and expertly drafted translation of the texts is necessary. When concluding a contract with English and German business partners, it is advantageous to have an English to German translation of contracts and their clauses. Thus, there is more transparency in business dealings and the regulation of the contractual relationship tends to be more trustworthy and clearer.

Contracts that are concluded across national borders can come in a variety of forms. For example, there are cases where the award of a contract is subject to a tendering procedure. This is the public invitation to tender for the conditions (terms of delivery, conditions of service etc.) specified in the tender (submission). European tenders and their access are governed by the Agreement on Government Procurement. A distinction can be made between public and restricted tenders, whereby the number of companies that can submit tenders is limited. Public-law institutions are usually subject to a call for tenders, but more and more companies in private law are using this kind of opportunity for economic reasons.

The English to German translation of contracts plays an important role in new and growing business relationships at European and international level.

Types of written contracts that often require translation into another language:

  • Purchase contract
  • Employment contract
  • Service and work contract
  • Donation contract
  • Rental contract
  • Contract of guarantee

What are the main points of an English to German translation of contracts?

When translating the English contract text into German, such as a sales contract, the essential content consists of the translation of the definition of the object of purchase, such as the movable or immovable property or the right, the translation of the duties and rights of the buyer and the seller and the fair presentation of the negotiated purchase price.

An English to German translation of contracts such as a contract of employment is always necessary if the employee has found his future employer based abroad. The content of this type of translation essentially covers phrases about the start of work, working and probationary periods, activities and notice periods, as well as regulations such as leave, bonus agreements, overtime, etc.

In addition to English-German translation, fh-translations.com also offers contract translation in French, Spanish and Italian.

Service and work contracts may seem at first glance to have the same meaning, but are governed differently by law. For a contract for work, the success of an agreed work is owed. For a service contract, only the activity or work is contractually agreed. In both cases, the client is obliged to pay the agreed remuneration. English translations are therefore often used in the context of labor law.

In the case of a donation contract, the so-called donor enters into an obligation to transfer the donated person a certain donation item free of charge. Reasons for a donation can be personal, but also tax benefits. Under the Inheritance and Gift Tax Act, they are taxable and the allowances are precisely regulated.

The translation of an English contract text into German as a lease defines the name and address of the landlord and the tenant, represents in detail the rented premises and rented objects and deals with the rental period, the agreed rental price and the distribution of heating and operating costs. In particular, the rights and obligations of the landlord and tenant (livestock, use of the garden, information, etc.) and notice periods constitute an integral part of the professional translation of a lease.

The guarantee agreement commits the so-called guarantor to the creditor for the fulfillment of the liabilities of a third party. If, for example, a credit company decides for a guarantee, it concludes a surety bond with the guarantor. There, all the provisions are regulated, that must be respected by him, if the third party (debtor) does not fulfill his obligations. Consequently, the purpose of such a contract is to secure the creditor in the event of a debtor’s default. The translation of guarantee contracts is one of the legal translations or translations of legal texts and is prepared by experienced translators.

Interested in a translation from English into German? I will gladly make you an offer.

Author: Franz Hefele

Freelance translator for the languages english, french, italian, spanish and german