English-German translation of user manuals

A user manual, also named instructions for use or instruction manual, is a collection of necessary texts and information that indicates the correct use of a product and is often available in several languages ​​such as French, Italian, Spanish, English and German. It gives the customer important information about the handling, maintenance and installation of a device. All necessary details for repair and spare parts are included. A well-written manual also provides information about safety and disposal. The files, documents and language versions such as the English-German translation of user manuals can be downloaded in most cases on the homepage of each company quickly and free of charge. In many cases, they can also be ordered by telephone, fax or e-mail as original instructions for use in printed form from the respective company.

For example, a customer may have an older version of a product and would like to receive information about its use or ordering spare parts. In these cases, many well-known manufacturers offer the possibility to download older or also updated operating instructions on their website. These downloads are usually available through a link to the service, support, or customer support page of the organization. For companies that offer a range of different products, they need the model number or the full device name. This ensures that the correct operating manual for the product is found.

The English-German translation of user manuals for the technical documentation

Within the EU, there must be instructions for use for each product. It is part of the technical documentation and is user-specific in terms of form and content. For example, motor vehicle manuals have a different appearance, volume and content than the operating manual or instructions for use of technical equipment or pharmaceuticals.

The professional English-German translation of user manuals and instructions of use is created and edited with a translation software that has a translation memory system. This translation memory is used to create a database with a structured translation that can be retrieved at any time. Thus, a homogeneous English-German translation of user manuals and instructions with a consistent terminology is guaranteed. These databases are completely erasable at any time for confidentiality and discretion.

Manuals and so-called user guides are technical texts that are regularly handed over to a translator to prepare the desired translation. Many companies rely on extensive sources of information about their products, which can also be read and understood by their customers abroad in several languages. When commissioning a professional English-German translation of user manuals, the translator has a lot of information to transfer to the other language. These may be, for example, texts about the use, commissioning, safety, disposal, technical data and spare parts of the device or the machine.

For more information about the topic of user manual translation, please contact me via the contact form.

Author: Franz Hefele

Freelance translator for the languages english, french, italian, spanish and german