
The translation office offers translations in the following languages:

French – German – French

Price per word: 0.09 – 0.13 Euro (excl. VAT) per word of the source text

Italian – German – Italian

Price per word: 0.09 – 0.13 Euro (excl. VAT) per word of the source text

English – German – English

Price per word: 0.09 – 0.13 Euro (excl. VAT) per word of the source text

Spanish – German – Spanish

Price per word: 0.09 – 0.13 Euro (excl. VAT) per word of the source text

You need a translation of your documents or texts and are looking for a professional translator? The translation service offers you a free and non-binding offer to fulfill your wishes and realize your translation project.

A translation process adapted to your individual needs stands for a flexible and tailor-made translation service that is oriented towards the customer. The translated texts are optimized according to the target group and can be adapted to the expectations and needs of the market according to the current state of product development. The creation, development and maintenance of in-house technical terminology generates a sophisticated translation process and forms an ideal basis for the planning of important strategic terms.

The process of the translation project

1. Quotation request and transmission of the documents to be translated via the contact form or by e-mail to

2. Review of the files and texts and verification of the feasibility of the translation

3. Creation of a non-binding offer with price, delivery format and delivery date

4. Confirmation of the offer by the customer with acceptance of the general terms and conditions of

5. Start of translation work by

6. Completion of the translated text with optional proofreading

7. Transmission of the translated document including invoice by e-mail (in general) or by mail

Thanks to its many years of experience in the field of translation services, the translation agency can offer well-founded expertise with a wide range of terminology applications. Customer confidence in the quality of professional translation has already resulted in a large number of successful translation projects covering virtually the entire sectors of the industry, engineering, medical, business, economy, finance and legal sectors.

Do you already have translated texts in French, Italian, English, Spanish or German and would you like to have them updated? No problem! Also for the update of outdated texts to adapt to the dynamics and fast pace of the market, you can rely on the proven text concept of

Further information can be found on the websites Services and Price.

Get a free quotation now!